Monday, November 12, 2012


I think I have to tell you where I have been. Well, I have been here only - but way too busy. My office work was really eating up a lot of my time, leaving me all exhausted for the evenings when I could do something creative. I don't say that the pressure is over, but yes, reduced a bit. And that again doesn't mean that I can happily go back to my crocheting-crafting ways like earlier :-(

Now I do really have a reason to get going crafty and crochety like crazy. Yes, there is a happy little news! And yes, it again does leave me exhausted by the evenings. I do have a lot of project ideas but unfortunately haven't made much progress. There are a few more months till when I will have time for all these and hopefully can do something pretty within this time.


Miss Holly said...

Oh...I have been thinking about you!!!!! I was so delighted to see your post!!!
I have been very bad about my site...only posts here and there...I fully intend to get back to it in a much bigger way...I learn so much from all the wonderful people out there!!!
So am I understanding you correctly about your news???? If I am ...then I could not be happier for you....!!!!!!!!
I was looking at the now faded ferns and I will forever think of you as I watch them grow through the summer...we have had two huge storms and most of our leaves are gone...moving into late fall and winter...which I love..I have lots of projects going...and as always not enough time!! So Hopefully less outdoor work means more handwork!!! So glad to see you are back!!!!!! Xxx

Resmi... said...

Hello Holly,

Thanks for stopping by. Glad to hear that all is well at your end.

Hope you have lots of time for your handwork! :-)


Ninu said...

Am I guessing it right? Happy for you!

Resmi... said...

Yes Ninu, u guessed it right. Thanks! Our angel is now a month old and we named her Aditi :-) Hope you and ur kiddo are doing great.